Tuesday, July 9, 2013

senior year


So my last blog post was one year ago?!?! I have no biology blog posts during my sophomore and junior year???? AHHHH!

I completely neglected this blog. Now I remember that I used to expect this blog to be so detailed and awesome. I guess blogging just wasn't my priority...or maybe i didn't want to spend my free time blogging about biology because doing just that might make me insane from too much biology.

I might have a couple of posts that are bio-related on my other blog. I'll have to check and maybe import those onto here.

Anyway, I'm a SENIOR now! I've gone through Bio101, Bio102, Botany, Histology, Biological Techniques, and Comparative Anatomy. I still have to complete Cell and Molecular Biology, Embryology, and Genetics.

Good luck to me!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

organ harvesting

I am so sorry if you're against animal dissections and got to see this post by accident.

For our Biological Techniques class (the class where we need to learn how to make our own slides...fixation, staining, mounting, etc.), the next set of slides that we need to make are animal tissue slides. Each of us in the class were assigned a different animal organ, either rat or frog. So that when our class had our dissection, everyone was just yelling, "Who needs the rat liver?..."Does anyone need anymore frog lungs?" hahaha. A few of my blockmates were so organized that they labeled pieces of plastic on the table and just dumped the retrieved organs on the corresponding labeled area.

I just have to say that despite the initial sadness that we felt for committing crimes to these little critters, their anatomies still make me go wow...especially dissecting them fresh. We've had semesters of dissecting preserved specimen and it just doesn't compare to dissecting fresh specimen. The colors are so vivid. Observe the bottom right photo of legless frog (legless because my friend needed the tendons and cut them off immediately), there is so much texture and color...the pink air-filled spongy lungs, the curling intestines, the tiny beating heart, the gross black chunky egg-filled ovaries...

I had to harvest frog ovaries. They're the big black globs on the photos. After a quick wash, the ovaries got dumped into a bottle of Bouin's Solution.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Comparative Anatomy!

sorry for the hiatus. i have returned to post new icky formalin-soaked things! mwahahahaha

it's junior year in college. this first semester is all about Comparative Anatomy class. dissections galore!!

i will post our shark dissection pictures soon. hehehe

Monday, December 19, 2011

sophomore year

i apologize for lack of posts but professors this year have prohibited the taking of photographs of lab specimen because "it encourages laziness"


although some of my classmates still take the illegal photo here and there. hehe so ill update this blog when i get my hands on some of these illegals.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Drosophila Melanogaster: Day 1

caught myself some fruit flies. seven, to be exact =]
hope they mate soon because i need their eggs for biolab.

go on little fruities! munch on some rotten banana. they're delicious. want me to play some romantic music in the background for you? alright...

"Let's get it on..."

Thursday, February 3, 2011


visit to the Med Building. a glimpse of the cadaver room in action o.O

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Rana s.p. V

goodbye froggy. i tore it apart today. de-muscled, de-organed, de-limbed, cut off its eyes, and cut through its vertebrae so that i could get plus points for pulling the brain and spinal cord intact. it was a success...except for the unsuccesful part of tearing off the nasal lobes of the brain. oops. hey, im no surgeon (yet...if i decide to be a surgeon).

forgot to take a photo of my frog's spinal cord before i turned it in. but here's the one of another frog's and most of the class' frog spinal cords: